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Hello, I am Dr. Warner Richards, Psy. D
I am a facilitator on the OLP Amethyst Team

In this program, I am the facilitator of I will share the importance of having the mindset of Jesus Christ!  Our highest successful achievement, hinges on how well we have fully embraced and be transformed into Christ's mindset and character.  It is a growth process of which we all need daily support as we develop our transformation.

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My Story

Dr. Warner Antonio Richards is the founder of Aubrey & Hugh Consulting LLC.

From humble beginnings and against all odds, Dr. Warner Richards became a theologian and a spiritual leader. Dr. Warner had his Bachelor of Arts in Theology at Union College. He proceeded to do his Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry at Andrews University. He also holds a Master of Arts in Christian Counseling from the American Christian college and Seminary. He graduated from the university of Rockies/Ashford with Doctor of Psychology and he also has a Post-Doctoral Certificate of Advanced Studies in Mental Health Counseling from Alfred University.

Dr Warner A. Richards is currently a practicing psychotherapist at Indigo Dove Therapy & Wellness in Baldwin, NY. He resides in Long Island New York, along with his wife Norka Blackman-Richards, they both share a passion for helping people achieve their highest potential.

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